Celebrate the holidays with a relaxing evening of art, music, and refreshments!
Tickets $10 at the door
at: SB Museum of Art - 120 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, So. Bend, IN 46601
Peruse the exhibitions in all five SBMA galleries:
Warner Rotunda & Carmichael Gallery | SBMA Permanent Collection
Warner Gallery | American Series: The Funnies: Vintage Comics, 1940s-1960s
Art League Gallery | The Best American Comics: Selections 2014-2017
Project Room | On The Move: A Selection of Contemporary Animations
Jerome J. Crowley Community Gallery | SBMA Student/Faculty Exhibition
7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Enjoy the sounds of Linsay Kelly and The LowLifes, bringing you jazz, funk, and soul with eclectic styles influenced by all genres of music.
Complimentary hors d’oeuvres are yours to enjoy!
Cash bar available.
Proceeds from this event benefit TREES (Transgender Resource, Education & Enrichment Services) and South Bend Museum of Art.